We thought we better get into the habit of keeping this blog site up to date. This week has not exactly been jam packed considering its holidays from study and no jobs as of yet, just a lot of job applications we have a bit of time on our hands... good for training, but driving us slightly crazy.
On Thursday this week the Waiariki mtb squad made a trip to hamilton to do VO2 max testing, this is one of the many awesome perks of being in the Academy, we will be getting to analyse these results in the coming week, but are feeling really good about our tests so hoping that the results show this.

This weekend on Saturday saw a muddy round in the Mid NI series held in Rotoura and on Sunday a Looooong endurance road ride. The road ride turned into a moutainbike after a couple of hours as we ran out of spear tubes after a few flat tires on the road bikes.
Here are our race reports..
Katie - ladies first, Gavs suggestion :)
The Track was good, a nice length for a lap race and coming through the start finish half way through the lap was a good chance to hear some support. The mud was fun... To an extent, aside from the gears hating it from the start which got worse as the race went on, but this is goes hand and hand with a mudd race and every one suffers so I had to keep going no matter how frustrating it got! I finished up in 2nd place behind Fiona Macdermid with Monique rounding off the podium in 3rd.
hmm well I had no forks on my bike the day before the race, so I found my old old Manitou forks. I went for a burn in the forest after to see how if they would be sweet but they only had about 20mil of travel. Bike fix was still open just so quickly stopped in to see if the guys could fix them, where Pete offered me his single speed to ride so I would just roll this for the race. In the end Marty rang at about 7.30 and said he had fixed up the forks.
before the race the forks felt alot better than yesterday but not the same as my usual race forks. The race started hard and it felt and looked like I was riding a pogo stick as the travel went back to what it had the day before so I got tired fast as, I wasnt to fussed as our coach doesn't want us to be concern with the result but just to go hard at the start and climb hard so yea i was trying my hardest but wasn't going to fast haha. So after a solish start everyone started coming past me, I got chain suck a million times my arms felt like lead from all the bouncing and it was a hard day. Think I ended up 4th in open and I think it was out of 4 of us. Can't wait to get my forks back....
Next weekend the Waiariki riders are taking a van and we are heading to Napier for the final round of the mid NI series. Napier is pretty sweet riding so we are looking forward to a road trip and riding down there.