Arrived in Edmoton on Friday and found the track pretty quickly right in the middle of town. The Track was technical but hard packed and fast. There were roots and off camber sections. On the Friday the track was dry which made for a good few laps.
Edmonton however, has seriously quick weather changes and by Friday night it was belting down with rain. on Saturday morning when we went to ride the track it was clear that the rain didn't do any favors for this track. It was barely ridable.
By lunch there was another change in the weather and it was back to scorching hot. The sun stayed out until Sunday race day so the track was nicely dried out except for one climb which was a mud pit that seamed to get worse and worse.
Katie's Race

I cant recall a time I had been as nervous as I was pre race. The set up at the event was great, music and a good atmosphere, they definitely know how to put on races over here. This was my first lap format race since oceanias with only base training under my belt I think this created the reason for all the nerves.
I was called up on the front line and before I knew it the race was off. I handled the start well and settle behind Emily batty. Too good to be true and it didn't last. The first lap was messy the combination of going my hardest uphills was not agreeing with the descents so I was not very controlled. during the race I managed to inflict a bit of pain not only to the legs and because of the heat but with the muddy climb which most riders (everyone) had to run and with my new shoes I would struggle to clip back in. my right foot slipped off the pedal causing my leg to straighten out (for those that know me my right leg does not straighten due to a back injury, so it stop me in my tracks until the pain eased. It gave me a big fright). That lap was sketchy probably from loosing concentration. I managed to put on a show for carl crashing down a rooty section right in front of him, talk about timing.
It was a pretty hard day, and not a very good result finishing up 11th. Having our first race be a UCI Canada cup race was not the best timing (especially with all the Candians prepping for their nationals the week following). However, the only way that we will get better is lining up against the best.
Carl's Race
As Katie said we were nervous as, the most we have ever been just because of the lack of preparation I think and going into a UCI race having done no speed work at all, and having all of them peaking for there nationals the next weekend,we knew right from the start we were in for the hardest day. Thats how our season starts.
I also was called on the front row because of the UCI points I already had. I thought that would at least delay the ass kicking a little bit, but I pretty much went from 3rd wheel to like 15th in the first few hundred meters. felt quite shit to be honest never had a caning like that before.
After a lap I pretty much blew from trying to keep up and not riding my own race, Scott boosted past me and ripped time into me, had a bad time from lap 2 to the start of lap 5 but then what ever I had left and my peakfuel caffeine hit kicked in and I was out of there started catching back up to others and with my eye on Scott. In the end I just past him and put a few second on him to finish 23rd? and a big 16mins down on the world cup boys lucky Burry or Nino weren't there :)