Monday - converted bike to SS, helped Marcus take down Nduro marking and went for our very first Single speed mountain bike
Tuesday - 3hour SingleSpeed, Ouch - seamed like a good idea at the time
Wednesday - 2hour SS/run up hills due to being smashed from two days of Singlespeeding
16inch World champs - held in the afternoon Carl was up for it - made it to the second round
Thursday - too soft, took the Road bikes out for a few hours for an amazing 24km average - the word to best describe this is 'cracked'
- Sweeb Record $500 up for grabs for the winner - We gave it a go, the legs just didn't have it in sub 1minute efforts to even get close to the winning times.
Friday - Important race preparation - the paint Job by artist Michelle Bellamy
Saturday - Race day
- Final Race prep - more paint went on
- A crazy start that incorporated sailing & nas car - Carl and I came out ¾ of the way back, if only we had used our head and stalled/biked slowly by the gate

- Some hard single speeding with around 1000metres of climbing and 4 beers later (which were all kept down, not too easy when biking up hill) We were at the finish.
Carl finished up in 5thish and I worked my way up the field to 3rd place - pretty stoked achieving every goal set, skull/drink all beers, have fun, and finish top 20.
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