Friday, April 16, 2010

First full week in Paloma

I have just got in from my first full week of building mountain bike tracks in the mountains of Chile. The week started off very good we were off to finish the track we had started in the few days we were here before the weekend and got in to it and got it done by Wednesday afternoon, pretty cool benched trail. Thursday we changed location we went from about 600 meters to around 800 meters to make a more tech rugged trail, and the weather turned to shit we have just worked 2 days of 9 hours each, in the pissing rain and today there was a howling wind with rain coming straight into our faces, watching the mountain about 500 more meters above us turn white with snow showers throughout the day, it was hard going we just had to keep working to stay warm, the shit thing is I picked up a cold on Tuesday and have been struggling ever since and that weather properly doesn’t help.

We have about a 45min climb up to where we work and we do that every day with some super technical up hills and then a few really hard downs coming home, just riding to and from work is about an hour and half so its mint training no matter what, and now I am smoked my arms back and legs hurt so much I don’t know what to do with myself.

We have 2 maids that do every think for us it is pretty cool we get every think cooked and made and cleaned for us all we do is work come home and sit here smashed from a hard day’s work. We have limited power and internet usage because we are on a generators and it’s only turned on in the morning and late afternoon. As for now we are all sitting in the living room having a few beers and just chilling, we get given 2 beers a day haha so we save them up and have a few good nights.

Tomorrow we may do a few hours over time work in the morning but if the weathers bad I ante going out there. But at 2pm we are off to town, it takes a little while to get there because we have to boat across our lake to the dock get a taxi that takes about 45mins on a gravel road then we are there. We are going to do some shopping for a few extra thing we need and some of the boys are going stay the night in town and party it up with the locals (Coyhaique 55,000) as for me I’m going to come back home have an early night and try shake the cold and hit up town another time. I think!?


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